Here is the Hulk as your office manager.  She's not supposed to wear denim to the office, but she totally does it all the time, and nobody's going to say anything to her.  She's four months pregnant, and Oh God, the hormones... you never know what's going to make her snap.  Besides, she's been here a long time, and nobody else would be able to do her job if she left.  Why would she file the requisition forms under "N" for "Neediness?"
Here is Supergirl as your office receptionist.  I think she got the job because her cousin pulled some strings.  What, you need those reports faxed yesterday?  She'll go fetch those from your mailbox and send them right now.  Whoosh!  Off she goes!
This is what Wonder Woman would look like if she were your boss.  And she would not be happy that you're requesting extra vacation days.
Dreamed by Amanda:  
"I am in some random suburb to see a show (for some reason, I think it's Chelmsford) and I have to catch a bus back to town, but I left my T pass at home. I also have no cash. There's an ATM across the parking lot, so I start walking toward it and a racoon runs in front of me. I yell at it to go away and it hisses at me, runs behind me and climbs up on my back. I manage to get a hold of one of its clawed arms that is stretched out to my right side and fling it off. It comes running back. Somehow I get it off of me again using the same method and get on a bus. When I get home and tell Gordon, he doesn't think it's that big of a deal. I'm incredulous. A RACOON CLIMBED ON ME AND ATTACKED ME WITH ITS SHARP CLAW HANDS. Gordon: "meh." "
Dreamed by Christian.  He and Warren Beatty tried to take Sue out to a fancy restaurant to celebrate her birthday, but ended up at the mall instead. 
Muffin Top knows she looks good.
Dreamed by Maureen.  The Dalai Lama was showing her around his apartment while playing the keyboard.
Lonely Sock loves it when telemarketers call him at home.  Telemarketers find it awkward.
Lonely Sock orders in pizza just to see Carl the Pizza Guy.
Lonely Sock orders unnecessary items from the Home Shopping Network in the wee small hours of the morning, just so he can speak to someone.